Welcome to Find Your Fire
Let's support our young adults and the community of Juneau to make Juneau a better place!
Welcome to Find Your Fire
Let's support our young adults and the community of Juneau to make Juneau a better place!
Let's support our young adults and the community of Juneau to make Juneau a better place!
Let's support our young adults and the community of Juneau to make Juneau a better place!
During the month of February, we are partnering with Juneau's Mobile Integrated Health Care (MIH) Team to help our fire fighters and other MIH team members purchase medical-related items for members of our community that are in crisis. MIH team members regularly cover the cost of prescription co-pays, phone cards, urgent food needs, and other medical necessities. This is our LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR fundraising campaign.
Find Your Fire is dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference. A small donation goes a long way!
Find Your Fire is a community-based, non-profit organization located in Juneau, Alaska.
Our mission is to empower young adults to find their passion and what success means to them, while building a strong mental health foundation. We assist them with life skills, job opportunities, and mental health resources as they transition into adulthood. With the ever-changing ways we interact socially, we are working to encourage people to stay connected and spread positive and encouraging messages.
We also partner with other community organizations in order to provide contributions to those community members that are in need-
often with individuals or families that may have a mental health emergency or are in crisis.
If you are interested participating in workshops, helping with an upcoming event, or simply want to host a message of hope sign in your yard this Spring/Summer, please email us at findyourfire907@gmail.com
We are also looking for volunteers to assist with life skills workshops, virtual learning modules and to help organize fundraisers, exciting community-building events, and in-depth training sessions for our Juneau community.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.